ooo... that is funny.. i log onto ur page to see that you posted a picture of a clock... right after i snagged a picture of a clock myself... i was looking up what kind of spiders these giant things are that are in my house.. and i came across this article.. with this pic... so i HAD to grab it...
"The Glue" makes reference to a substance used throughout most of the civilized world to attach objects together.....
It is used mostly with paper products, but the different variants of this substance can be used to bond almost any material, natural or synthetic....
Although it easily purchased at most any store throughout the world for a relatively cheap amount in it's basest form, Some industrial applications require a variant that can be severely expensive....
Rumors that this substance was once made out of the hoofs of horses, is commonly believed, but the world famous Graveyard of the Glue Horses and the horse spectres that inhabit it at night looking for revenge, has never been proven to exist....
Rumors are most common in North Central America, and are centered in areas of Minnesota, where locals refer to this place simply as "The Fucking Glue"....
YES..... I cut that clock out of one of MY photos taken in Egypt....
I was underground on the subways between downtown cairo and Giza on my way to the light show at the pyramids... when I needed to know the time for a train connection...
You (of course) can see what time the clock says....
ooo... that is funny.. i log onto ur page to see that you posted a picture of a clock... right after i snagged a picture of a clock myself... i was looking up what kind of spiders these giant things are that are in my house.. and i came across this article.. with this pic... so i HAD to grab it...
.....THE GLUE.....
"The Glue" makes reference to a substance used throughout most of the civilized world to attach objects together.....
It is used mostly with paper products, but the different variants of this substance can be used to bond almost any material, natural or synthetic....
Although it easily purchased at most any store throughout the world for a relatively cheap amount in it's basest form, Some industrial applications require a variant that can be severely expensive....
Rumors that this substance was once made out of the hoofs of horses, is
commonly believed, but the world famous Graveyard of the Glue Horses and the horse spectres that inhabit it at night looking for revenge, has never been proven to exist....
Rumors are most common in North Central America, and are centered in areas of Minnesota, where locals refer to this place simply as "The Fucking Glue"....
It's actual existance is highly unlikely....
At least.....
I've never seen "The Fucking Glue"
actually.. I think if you are planning an expedition to find the Graveyard of the Glue Horses... perhaps start near this place..
seems as likely as any...
Vascular Solutions Inc-
6464 Sycamore Court North, Maple Grove, Minnesota
(763) 656-4300
they have "fibrin sealant, glue, adhesive glue, biological glue, wound adhesive, tissue adhesive, surgical adhesive, surgical glue, surgical sealant, wound closure ..."
I cut that clock out of one of MY photos taken in Egypt....
I was underground on the subways between downtown cairo and Giza on my way to the light show at the pyramids... when I needed to know the time for a train connection...
You (of course) can see what time the clock says....
It is a great photo....
I will post the original in my next set....
I've been to Minnesota....
I'm not going back...,!
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