Monday, July 21, 2014

John has reached one of his final destinations in Israel...

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem...

Michael Wellish Said: "my friend got your brother's ashes to the temple mount today and sprinkled a bit all around" "no pictures sorry" "they don't allow pictures on the temple mount generally and especially now"

Sunday, July 20, 2014

John has reached his final destination in the Blue Mountains of Australia..

A place called The Three Sisters

Susanne Fiebig Said: "It was a beautiful sunny wintersday with a slight chill in the air and as we scattered him the wind picked him up over the valley. It was quite beautiful"
John has reached one of his final destinations in Denmark...

Egeskov Castle.... this is Europes best preserved renaissance water castle.... According to legend, it took an entire forest of oak trees to build the foundation, hence the name Egeskov (oak forest).

John resting on the Count's bed

Bettina Nørbo Jensen Said: "When I had to find a place for me to scatter John's ashes I was looking for a place that was beautiful, peaceful and harmonic. This I believe i found in Egeskov Castle located in a big forest surrounded by water.
Egeskov has always been one of my favorite places growing up and had John come to Denmark while alive that is one of the places I would have told him to visit."
John has reached another final destination in England...

it is called the Mini Dam, in Matlock, Derbyshire.

Lisa Pritty Said: "the  spot was  picked as ur brother obviously loved travelling  and we figured scatter his ashes  in a gorgeous river so he is eternally travelling  fitting i thought"

Sunday, July 13, 2014

John has arrived at his final destination atop Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, CO.
"A summit photo is a lasting memento of your trip to this world."

He did not previously make the trip to Pikes Peak, however he did take a train (and gondola) to another summit, in Switzerland, the Alps, "top of the world" he called it.... and he also rode a camel to the top of Mt. Sinai and slept under the stars there.  Here is one that JOHN took in the Alps

John also traveled to many places here in the United States, by train mostly.

The song, America the Beautiful, was originally written as a poem.

In  July 1893, at the age of thirty-six,  Katharine Lee Bates, took a train trip to Colorado Springs.  Several of the sights on her trip inspired her, and they found their way into her poem, including Chicago, the "White City", with its promise of the future contained within its alabaster buildings; the wheat fields of America's heartland Kansas, and the majestic view of the Great Plains from high atop Pikes Peak.

On the pinnacle of that mountain, the words of the poem started to come to her, and she wrote them down upon returning to her hotel room.

Here is the plaque at the summit of Pikes Peak commemorating this.

John's final resting place atop Pikes Peak

Thank you to Allison Hill for making this trip to bring John to such a beautiful location.    

Allison shared this quote: 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

John really enjoyed England... one of the places that he visited was Bath...  here is a picture of him there... and a couple picture he took of the canal....

John was scattered into that canal.... 

Anja Jönsson Fd Linder Said: "I actually chose that canal because it runs through Bristol AND Bath He can be at several places at the same time (because it runs out in the Thames also) he'll always be in England now."

and onto the shores of Bristol... 

Glen Walker said: "Rest in peace mate"

Sunday, July 6, 2014

John has reached his final destination in SLOVAKIA...

The Danube River...  He really enjoyed visiting the Danube when in Austria...

here are a couple pics that John took while there...

"This is the famous DANUBE river in Vienna....2008"

John Said: 
"You may well ask yourself.......AUSTRIA..??.....
What the bleep are you doing in AUSTRIA..??....
Well.......It's all about Vienna.....and a bit more....
Like Castles, and the Danube river, and the Opera House...
A note: The Danube river ( famous in Song and History) is right in Vienna....and dumps into THE BLACK SEA......
Although I've never met a sea yet I didn't swim in......
I may well pass on this one......"

Well, John is swimming in the Danube now...

on the other side of the river is Hungary...and the Esztergom Basilica

Erika Bambs said:
honored to be a part of this great idea, it really is a way how your brother touches our lives as well...
I was impressed a lot by the story of your brother ... 
I really love your idea, an act to honor someone who you love so much... and give him a chance to do what he loved so much, to travel, even now...
Ppl must have been impressed as I was when I read the poem of his travels... I didnt comment because I couldnt find any good words, I was too impressed... simply, LIKE ...
I have traveled to many places myself, here in Europe... told my daughter about your story, she was excited as well, told her to do the same for me..

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Raymond has found another beautiful location for John....

Jenkins Memorial Park
Marysville, WA