Saturday, February 23, 2008

I spent more time in Louisiana than anywhere else on my here are some more photos from the Mississippi and New Orleans...

Warm and beautiful Canal street.....

New Orleans....

Inside the Aquarium of the America's.....on the Riverwalk....New Orleans...

View straight you walk through the see through tunnel of the 1 million gallon tank at the Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans....Big Fun!

Very large and very rare.....this is "SPOTS" the white aligator.....of the few born, most are eaten as babys since they don't blend in.....Audubons Aquarium of the America's.....New Orleans.

Don't be fooled by his smile.....he has his own security gaurd outside his tank.....who assured me he could and would jump out from the undergrowth and happily drag me or anyone else back in with him....

Ferry dock to the far side of the Mississippi, and historic Old Algiers...on the Riverwalk.....New Orleans.

Inside the Ferry Dock....

This odd photo is taken on the far side of the river, and shows a very large cruise ship passing by on the other side of the levy and on the Mississippi river.

On the far side of the river is where the Historical district begins.....New Orleans.

Lunch spot on the river.....across from New Orleans.

This is me sitting on the far bank with my feet in the water of the can see New Orleans, St. Louis Cathedral, and of course the riverboat "NATCHEZ".....

A small public market I found on the far side of the river.....

The Riverwalk is right on the Mississippi in downtown New Orleans....It's from the 1980's Worlds Fair there.....along with the Aquarium of the Americas and more....

Harrah's Casino......New Orleans....

Inside Harrah's Casino in New Orleans...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Here's a few more from The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.

U.S. space suit...

Well used Apollo lunar suit...

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.

Hubbell sapace telescope version...

Apollo 11.....

Apollo 11 capsule door....

Lunar Rover....

That's a lot of switches...

Tomahawk cruise missile...

1930's airplane racing trophies...

Old time airplane engines...

Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.....D.C.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Back to one of my favorite places.....
New Orleans....

Jackson Square......New Orleans.

Jackson Square......New Orleans.

Historic St Louis Cathedral...

New Orleans.

Inside the beautiful St. Louis Cathedral....

St. Louis Cathedral....

St. Louis Cathedral....

The Cabildo.....quite old and very historic....

One of two matched buildings on either side of the St. Louis Cathedral.

Jackson Square....New Orleans.

Inside the Cabildo.....St. Louis Cathedral...

Jackson Square...New Orleans.

Colonel equipment....Spanish-American war.

Cabildo museum...New Orleans.

Awesome....beautifully carved piece...

Cabildo museum.

Excellent old timepiece....

Cabildo museum.

Great collection....Cabildo museum.

Cabildo museum......New Orleans.

This I like.....very historic old flag....

Cabildo museum...New Orleans.

Very nice......Cabildo museum,

New Orleans.

Old wooden trolleys....

St. Charles and Canal streets....

New Orleans.

Superdome.....New Orleans.

Mississippi river....

New Orleans

Mississippi river....

On the Sunset Limited.


On the Sunset Limited.

On the Sunset Limited....N.O. to L.A.