Thursday, September 30, 2010


That Explains It....
Looks like I must still be in Egypt.....
Giza .... May 2009

Here's a good view of some of the University of Cairo.....
Turns out they don't like photos....
Or maybe just me.....
Or maybe any tourists with cameras.....
That's means well get some great photos in just a bit.....
 University of Cairo....
Giza,  Egypt....
May 2009....

Wave bye to the University.....
I'm heading back into the Botanical Gardens.....
Lot's more to see....

Back into the wilds of Giza....

Here we are.....
Back in the Botanical Gardens.....
Lots to see.....
Careful what plants you touch....
This is Africa.....

O.K.     Maybe it's not the jungle.....
But......   There's lots of interesting stuff....

Yes......Of course.....
You can always find a table and chair....
In any good Giza jungle.....

How about some flowers.....

African Flowers....

Lots of fun trees at the Giza Botanical Gardens....
Giza, Egypt... May 2009...

How's this for something different....

Bet you don't have one of those out back.....

That's a good looking jungle.....
More photos soon.....
From  Giza, Egypt.....
May 2009.....

Saturday, September 25, 2010


         .....Would a Camel Look You In The Eye.....

We camels have traveled these lands for centuries....

Yet these humans that burden us are still quite new....

We travel far and go weeks without food and water....

Nothing like these silly humans we carry around....

The ones who must always think that they know the way.....

They who try to be master....yet would die in just days....

They can not smell food or water only a mile away....

The sun dries them out just like weeds....

They don't see soft sand or scorpians....

Still they isist and believe they know the way....

They can't use the wind and air to sense the path....

They do not feel the changes of the land....

Yet, they would ride me in circles and to certain death....

Ever believing, only they know the way....

So I must secretly be in the lead....

Of course I must let them believe they control....

Else I could not save their stubborn and stupid souls....

Sometimes I daydream of just walking away.....

Letting them go where they will and let them die....

Like when they panic and think that things are bad.....

That's when they start to look me in the eye.....

But it is not advice nor help on thier minds....

More like,  how to make Hilab Geel....

Yet I still bring them back to their homes....

Letting them believe they are in charge.....

Such sorry creatures... who would surely die....

If it were not for I.....


Welcome back to GIZA....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How cool is this...?
I'm in Giza , Egypt.....
Near the Cairo University......
And across from the Giza Zoo.....
Heading into the Botanical Gardens.....
Now I'm having fun......
Egypt....  May 2009...

Go ahead and wave bye to the outside world.....
We're Going In.......
Don't let the size of those huge plants bother you.....
Your sitting at home.....
Staring at a computer......
And I Have No Fear......
Besides..... It's not usually the plants that get you....
It is what lives in and among them.......
Here we go then.....
Try not to touch anything......


This place is great......
Giza Botanical Gardens.....
Egypt... May 2009....

I want one of those for my front yard......


Who knows what is lurking behind that next tree.....

Yes....  It is true.....
I will not be going hunting......
Or exploring the deep jungle......
North Africa is all Sahara Desert.....
I'm pretty happy to be here....
Exploring Egypt,.....
Traveling the Nile.....
On the other side of the world.....
Now that's what I call fun...


The plants around here are awesome......
Great photo......
Cool place.....
I wonder.....
Does anything live out there in those tulies.....?
And would it be likely to try to eat me.....?
I'm still pretty new to Africa......
I don't know what lives in the green areas.....
And there's a very old zoo right across the street....
I'll just stick to the path then.......
From the far wilds of Giza.....
(that's in Afrika you know).....
May 2009.....

Here's a playground.......
This is just a big Park....
Part Botanical Park.....
Part Green area (park).....
That was how this area begun.....
Over 100 years ago....A green area.....
You have to remember about Egypt...
If you step away from the Nile river.....
Your in the Sahara Desert......
Not a lot of green areas in Egypt.....
Unless your near the Nile.....
You can't even guess how many deserts I've already been playing in......

This must be where the Zoo across the street.....
 Lets their animals out of their cages to play at....
About every other day.....(luckily not today)....
For some good old fashioned exercise......
Can't you just picture em.....going wild....
Running and jumping..... and swinging......
The Teeter-Totter and the slide.......
Great fun when they let you out of your cage....

 I don't remember any playgrounds with trees like that....
Looks like it might get up and walk away......

There's a strange one......
Definetly NOT from Kansas....

I made it to the Cairo University......
Without being eaten......
Guess that's it for now....
More photos soon.....
From Giza , Egypt.....
May 2009.....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Here's a few photos I took a couple hours ago.....
My new Polaroid digital fits in my front pocket.....
Not like the older Canon I carried across 3 continents...
The Canon took great photos......with no fuss....
So does the new Polaroid...... aim and shoot.....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Since this is where I managed to extract myself from a local cab......
Then this is where I start exploring.....
There is the Cairo University....
The Biological Gardens.....
And the Giza Zoo.....
All right here....
I'll tell you about the Other Giza.....
Some other time....
From North Africa....
May 2009...

Not a clue......
I'm new here.....
And it's really hard to ask....
Since I speak (and look like) some foriegn language to everyone around here......
Still the nicest people anywhere.....
But ,  I just can't do Arabic....
Let's go for a wander.....
See some Giza.....

Here is a great staue/monument thing.......
I like this one.....

Yes... That's me....
Of course......
Who else you know that wanders around in Egypt....

Don't ask......
I don't know....

Here we go......
The Giza Zoo....
Wonder what kind of critters they have.....
Giza, Egypt,  North Africa.....May 2009...

I'm glad I found my way to this area......
No thanks to any Taxi drivers of course....
I can see this will be a treat for me....
A zoo on the other side of the planet.....
An African zoo no less......
Giza , Egypt...  May 2009...