John has reached his final destination in SLOVAKIA...
The Danube River... He really enjoyed visiting the Danube when in Austria...
here are a couple pics that John took while there...
"This is the famous DANUBE river in Vienna....2008"
John Said:
"You may well ask yourself.......AUSTRIA..??.....
What the bleep are you doing in AUSTRIA..??....
Well.......It's all about Vienna.....and a bit more....
Like Castles, and the Danube river, and the Opera House...
A note: The Danube river ( famous in Song and History) is right in Vienna....and dumps into THE BLACK SEA......
Although I've never met a sea yet I didn't swim in......
I may well pass on this one......"
Well, John is swimming in the Danube now...
honored to be a part of this great idea, it really is a way how your brother touches our lives as well...
I was impressed a lot by the story of your brother ...
I really love your idea, an act to honor someone who you love so much... and give him a chance to do what he loved so much, to travel, even now...
Ppl must have been impressed as I was when I read the poem of his travels... I didnt comment because I couldnt find any good words, I was too impressed... simply, LIKE ...
I have traveled to many places myself, here in Europe... told my daughter about your story, she was excited as well, told her to do the same for me..