Sunday, October 10, 2010

Here's a good photo....
More photos soon.....
From the Giza Zoo....
Egypt,  North Africa....
May 2009....


vwittren said...

and u didnt bring me home a WHITE peacock feather? but but.. it woulda fit in ur backpack!! lol

Talesfrombeyondjohn said...

Ever been stopped and inspected by machine gun guys in white who only speak Arabic......

I've been through it a couple times...

It's hard to say....

But, It's only a feather....

Here..... Give it a try....

ولكن ، ليست سوى ريشة..

Come on.... You can do it....

Ever been to Egyptian Jail....?

Are the White Peacocks running around loose because their sacred and can't be locked up...?

It is still just a fine for a feather....right...?

I did mean monetary....(money)

Not by the digit...(fingers)....

This is Egypt you know.....

And you don't speak Arabic....

It won't fit in my backpack...!!