Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ASIA... ???
NO.....  I'm not lost.....  I don't get lost on my adventures.....  unless I want to.....
It just turns out I'm in ASIA.......I just did not know that.... does not mean I'm lost.....
I'm sure I'm actually very close to AFRICA.....besides look out the window....
I'm obviously getting very close to SOMEWHERE......  how could I be lost...??
Definetely coming up on somewhere....
Anywhere is somewhere out here.....
Looks like civilization to me.......
Been on this bus quite a while....
Interesting design.......
Must be expecting tourists someday....
Here's where they let us off the bus for awhile.....
Food and Tea.....  all desert style..... No Twinkies or M&M's.....
Lost most the others here..... But they say there is one more stop......
I don't know who would go any farther into the Desert......yukyuk....
Next stop is deep in the High Desert......  Saint Catherine and the Monestary.....
From somewhere in The Sinai Desert..... Southern Asia...,..  May 2009.....
That last Desert Oasis Mirage was pretty good.......
But I'm almost sure they don't have Sprite out here....
So much for the break and something to drink.....
It's back to the Desert for this bus......
"Always accept and drink the tea"
I really can't say just how many different Deserts I've been in now....
But once your in deep.....  They all  look very much the same......
The Sahara, Libyian, Arabian,, Nubian, Morroccan, Sudan....
OH YEAH.....By the Way.....  The Sinai Penninsula and Sinai Desert....
It is in ASIA.....  Yes ...By George...   I think I've done it....
I AM IN ASIA.........(not Africa)(at this point).....
ASIA.......  I AM IN ASIA.....
From somewhere out in the desert,.... somewhere in Southern ASIA......  May 2009.....
O.K.......    I take it back....  It does not all look the same......
Not here in the Sinai Desert.....  High Mountain Desert......
 And now........  For something completely unexpected......
From a bus window travelling across the Sinai Desert.....The Red Sea.....
It is true that I have never seen one of these before......
 My guess is a Egyptian Oil Rig near the shore of The Red Sea.....
Yes.....  Definitely the Red Sea.....
A glimpse of The Red Sea was nice......
But.... I should remember where I am....
This is The Sinai Penninsula..... A Desert....
And.....  We are definitely going in.....
Well...   That's it for now.....  More photos soon.....
Raise your hand if you like Desert Mountains, Sand, and Sun......
From The Sinai Desert.... Eastern Egypt.....  May 2009.....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Yes....   I'm still here in Africa.......
Turns out to be a very large place.....
It's where they keep most the Deserts......
And this very large and very nice Mosque.....
North Africa.....  May 2009.....
Somewhere near the Sinai Penninsula......
Egypt.....  May 2009....
C'mon..... The only reason you would never have expected to see Me .....(john)...
At the Suez Canal.....  least not in your lifetime..... on this planet....
Is because.....  It's on like the other side of the world.....
You know.....  way away..... like in Africa or something......
At the Suez Canal...... (In Africa).....  May 2009.....
I like big markers with no markings......
Let's you know your somewhere.....
That you should already know.....
That doesn't need markings to say where you are.....
That you should already know.....
Even when you don't....
I.... of course.... do know....
Looks like the next stop is.....
The Suez Canal.......
Guess what...?    Looks like we are going under the Canal.....
Raise your hand if you were expecting that.....!
What did I think the Suez Canal would look like.....
I don't know......  Maybe a little more water.....
But .... I am riding in a bus right underneath it..,....
Where was your last vacation...?
Yes.....   Well ......It is a super long cool Tunnel......
And it is  "Under the Sea".........not bad......
And just like that......  
We are out again......
Back in The Sun and Sand....
I'm across the Suez Canal.......
Did not get a chance to take a swim.....
Must have been busy when we passed the water....
I'm sure it was nice and cool looking......??..right..?
There is water in the Red Sea.....  Right ..??
Not like the Dead Sea is it .......
You saw water right..?......right...?
I done seen Deserts already.....
Many Deserts have I seen already....
Well.... if I had got wet playing at the Suez Canal in all that water.....
I'm in luck......  Welcome to the Sinai Desert.......
Now I can dry out......really dry out.....
If this bus forgot water to drink for this trip....
It's a long way across any North African Desert......
There's another marker without markings......
We must be out of the  "Canal Zone"......
I hope you enjoyed your trip to the Suez Canal.....
Guess that's it.... Say goodbye to the Arabian Desert (Eastern Desert)......
Say hello to the Sinai Desert..... Theres always another desert in Egypt.....
YUP......  I know that picture......seen it before.....
I've been to Nubia..... I know what a desert looks like...
Mostly the same over and over......
On my way to Mount Moses......
North Africa....  May 2009....
Well......   I guess that's it for now......
And that's the view for a long time......
Sun and Sand ...... and just to add spice.....
Some power lines that go on forever too.....
Don't worry......   I'll get it all......  more photos soon.....
Another 8 hrs of this desert and I'll be close.......
My little map says this goes on and on......
Untill you hit the Red Sea or die in the desert......
No Nile river to save you over here....
Sure glad I'm in this air conditioned bus......
Somewhere on the Sinai Penninsula......
Where the big desert is.....
In NORTH Egypt for a change......
Somewhere in North Africa......
Going in..... The Sinai Desert.....
May 2009......

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Greeting from North Africa.......
Yes.....  I seem to have found another desert......
This is the Eastern Desert or the Arabian Desert.......
It is right between the Western Desert or Sahara Desert......
And the Sinai Desert on the Sinai Penninsula........
But don't be fooled if they call it the Nubian Desert ......
Or the Libyan Desert  or The Kalaharri or the Sudan........
I assure you......  It Is The SAHARA........The Sahara Desert.....
But right now.....  I'm also headed towards The Red Sea......
Greeting from North Africa......  May 2009.....
Hey look.....  What's that......  WoW......
I've been on this bus ride in the desert too long......
I can't even spell Mirage.....  I must be seeing things......
I wonder if they have any cold Sprite or a cheeseburger......
I guess we are officially in the Suez Canal district......
Just a guess.....  but,...  I would bet on it......
We probably just aquired  new color uniformed friends.....
A whole new set of machine gun guys.......maybe new uniform colors too.....
Just have to add them to the collection...... they outnumbed everyone else long ago......
Anyway......   You are officially Welcomed to   THE SUEZ CANAL DISTRICT.....
Somewhere in Egypt, ....  North Africa.... May 2009....

I like the desert......
From here in this air conditioned bus......
It looks so peaceful and serene......
Looks like civilization ahead.......
Did I fall asleep......
Did we pass the Suez Canal.....
What did I miss...??
Where are we....???
Well......    Looks like were about at the Red Sea.......Tourist towns everywhere.....
Along here they are still all empty......  but that will change.....
I can't wait to see the RED SEA......    BIG FUN......
From somewhere near the Sinai Penninsula.....
Egypt,... Africa .....   May 2009.....
I have been lucky enough to have been to a number of these towns.....
I means the living ones......the ones full of tourists already.....
Just like these will be some day......and it is a BIG DEAL.....
"Dahab",  " Sharm El Shiek"....."Hurghada"  are the ones I've been to.....
The Best , clearest , nicest scuba diving in the world..... On the RED SEA.....
The weather is better than the French or Italian Riviera ......rivals anything on the Meditereanian Sea.....
Nothing but sunshine and wealthy tourists...... and of course me......just passing thru.....
These empty cities look spooky now.......  But it is the future in the bank......
Something they did here in Egypt.....  and successfully I think.......
They took they poor and unemployed and otherwise bad off people from Cairo......
Remember... Cairo is New York sized.....  but more people.......
There is a Cairo version of "The Bronx", "Harlem", and "The Projects" in Cairo too,,,,,
So they took all those they could and put them to work right bloody well here......
Mostly the very poor from Giza.....  Turned them into laborers......
Built these big abandoned city resorts along the Red Sea.....
Everyone of these places will some day be Cash Cows for the Egyptian Government.....
So they gave the destitute work and a hand up...... knowing what the future will bring....

This will be a beautiful wealthy tourist resort someday.....
The weather is always sunny and its right on the Red Sea......