Saturday, October 31, 2009
This was a interesting place.....
A huge parking lot somewhere outside of town......
If you want to see Abu Simbel......
Get to Aswan..... Then this lot at 3:00 a.m......
You have to be in a police escorted caravan.....
You get there just after light and before it reaches 110 degrees or more....
You don't get to stay long..... it gets hot real fast once the sun comes up....
Not good for business to kill off the tourists......
On my way to Abu Simbel....... May 2009....
This is my group from the Hathor Hotel.....
If you think I called it the Horus Hotel before.....
Let me remind you..... Hathor and Horus are related....
They both have temples on the Isle of Philae too.....
Just like Horus's mother ISIS has her temple there too....
Hathor the Elder and Horus the Destroyer..... I think.....
But.... whenever Horus is stated as king, Hathor is stated as Queen....
Sometimes he is the brother of Osiris and Set....
Sometimes the son of Isis and Osiris....
Sometimes the son of Ra......
The deities merge into others.....
The stories conflict and change over time.....
You see..... It's not just me.....
O.K. ...... so here I am then.....
In a huge parking lot full of hotel buses and vans......
In the middle of the night....
In Aswan , the last inhabited town in southern Egypt.....
Waiting for all those guys over there with the machine guns......
To say we can all head south now.....
In the dark....... for a couple hundred miles......
Right into the Sahara Desert for a day of fun and adventure......
On the road to ...ABU SIMBEL....
Friday, October 30, 2009
Yes..... A nice room and a nice view..... I love Air Conditioning...!!
But.... Time to go out and see Aswan at night...,
I still have a couple hours untill the big 3 A.M. roundup.....
For the gathering of the Caravan and Escort into the Sahara....
About 300 miles south into the desert......By armed escort....
Over 6 hours one way......A full slice of Sun & Sand......
Untill you get to a true wonder....... ABU SIMBEL...,.,
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I've Travelled Far and Found So Much.....
I have climbed a desert mountain by starlight.... Just to see the early rising sun.....
Walked on top the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and toured the Grand Canal in Venice....
Been lost under London, waiting in Luxor, and took the train to Vienna, Luxemburg, and Rome...
I have been swimming in Monte Carlo, and rode a camel in the hot Sahara sun....
I watched as Notre Dame lit up the Paris sky, and I've strolled through huge caverns a mile underground....
Travelled the length of the Nile, and took the stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower.....
I've seen the great Catherdals of Europe, and looked over all the worlds Great Art.....
Having crossed Continents, Oceans, and Seas, by Air, by Boat, and on the Ground.....
I have enjoyed Calais, Charmonix, Monaco, and Marseille, and explored N.Y. , D.C. , and L.A....
I have been cold in Chicago, hot in New Orleans, sweaty in Aswan, and chilly atop the Swiss Alps.....
Stayed near the Seine, Thames, Danube, and Mississippi, and seen the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and the Pyramids.....
Been amazed by Brussells, The Vatican, and Stonehendge, then awed by Ko Ombo, Abu Simbel, Edfu, and Philae.....
This is all just a portion of what I've seen......
Still..... I tell you.... I've only just begun......
I've travelled far and found so much......
Don't expect to find me sitting at home......