Sunday, January 25, 2009

Here is some of the Churches I've been lucky enough to see in person over the last year or so.....

Basilica of St. Mark

Venice 1063

Basilica Santa Maria dei Fiore

Florence 1296

Cathedral of St. Michael and Gudula

Brussels 1047

Cathedral of St. John

New York City 1892

Basilica of San Lorenzo

Florence 1419

Church of San Moise

Venice 1628

Basilica Notre Dame

Geneva 1852

San Simeone Piccolo Church

Venice 1718

Bath Abbey

Bath 1090

Awesome Unknown Cathedral

Vienna May 2008

Basilica Santa Maria Della Salute

Venice 1630

Basilica S. Maria Angeli Martiri

Rome 1563

Church of Notre Dame Calais

Calais 13th century

Saint Eustachio Church

Venice 1678

Notre Dame Luxembourg Cathedral

Luxembourg 1613

Franciscan Church

Salzburg 1223

Holy Trinity Church

New York City 1698

Collegiate Church

Salzburg 1694

Englise Saint Eustache Catherdal

Paris 1532

Church of St. Peter
Vienna 1701

Notre Dame Laken Church

Brussels 1854

Basilica of Redentore

Venice 1577

Franciscan Church

Rothenburg 1309

Notre Dame Cathedral

Paris 1163

Holy Trinity Church

Salzburg 1694

Notre Dame Sablon Church

Brussels 1854

Kaiser Jubilaum Church

Vienna 1898

Saint Nicholas Church

Brussels 1381

Santa Maria Novella

Florence 1246

Salzburg Cathedral

Salzburg 1628

San Giorgio Maggiore Basilica

Venice 1566

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury 1220

Santa Maria Della Spina

Pisa 1230

Southwark Cathedral

London 1220

Santa Maria del Giglio

Venice 1681

Santa Maria ad Martyres- Pantheon
Rome 126 A.D.

St. Pauls Cathedral

London 1300

St. Louis Cathedral

New Orleans 1718

St. Pierre Cathedral

Geneva 1160

Saturday, January 24, 2009

St. Charles Borromeo Church
Vienna 1716

St. Jacobs Cathedral
Rothenburg 1311

St. Maria del Rosario Church
Venice 1726

Saint Maria of Assunta Cathedral

Pisa 1063

St. Michaels Church

Luxembourg 1688

St. Patricks Cathedral

New York City 1856

St. Peters Basilica

Vatican City 1506

St. Martins in the Fields

London 1222

St. Peter's Abbey

Salzburg 696 A.D.

St. Stephan's Cathedral

Vienna 1147