How about some photos from right here in Washington state....These are from the International Kite Festival in Long Beach last August....
The Washington state International Kite Festival....had world competitions in many types of kites and kinds of flying.....mass ascentions.....exhibitions....lit kites for nightime and of course music and fireworks on the beach....BIG FUN...
Just big enough to feed all those kite fliers breakfast.....
On the beach....
International Kite Festval 2007.....Long Beach, Wa.
Me at the Pacific ocean in Long Beach, Wa.
These next photos are from the World Kite Museum.....also in Long Beach, Wa.
World kite museum....
Yes... in 2001 the World Kite Musuem gave Charlie Brown...of "PEANUTS" fame the Hall of Fame award...
Asian kites....
This is full horse size.....all the sharks, insects, etc. are large, large kites....
World kite museum....
World kite museum.....Long Beach, Wa.
Me at the Pacific ocean.
O.K.....there was some extra stuff on this roll of film.....
I live in a duplex near the water...this is my front porch.
And the back side.....
Yes....this is my beach access at my place
waters out mostly in this shot....but you can see the fire spot and my canoe....this is one of the main reasons I've been here more than a year.....